Know Jesus:

( Know Jesus ) 

Welcome all my facebook friends and internet friends. I am heavy hearted. I have a distant family member that is going to say goodbye to his daughter. I am sad for him. He said goodbye to a sister this year. She with Jesus now. I am heavy hearted because I should know where his daughter is going to spend eternal life.  We are light of the world. (Matthew 5: 14 )

I should make it a point in life to let others know Jesus. When they died they can say I knew Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of my life. The question is how many times have I as a Christian forget eternal life for others. My Family, my friends and the people that cross my path every day. Jesus Christ is the Answer for the world still today. I didn’t sleep very good last night thinking about a Family member that died over a year ago. This person lived a life of danger.

One year goes on vacation with their Family dies on vacation from a freak accident. Friends we never know when we will leave this life! “Oh Father in Heaven how Awesome you’re.” Father God I pray my Facebook Friends and the internet Friends will come to know Your Son Jesus Christ now.” We pray and ask this in Jesus name Amen. Lets start the bible study.

  1. Will having money get you to heaven? No
  2. Will going to church get you into Heaven? No
  3. Will teaching a sunday school class get you into heaven? No
  4. Does being a deacon or elder get you into heaven? No
  5. Does being a preacher in a church get you into Heaven? No
  6. Does being a good person get you into Heaven? No
  7. Are you going to have eternal Life in Heaven or Hell? This is your question! 
  8. I have a straight talk Facebook page for a mission to see my friends come to know a relationship with Jesus Christ. For the believers. I am not a important person. I am a child of God that can teach you from my life lessons . Thank you for taking the time to read this bible study.

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